logistics for blockchain

Context of Logistics

  • The Supply Chain
  • Activities of Logistics
  • Aims of Logistics
  • Importance of Logistics

Integrating Supply Chain

  • Progress in Logistics
  • Current Trends in Logistics
  • Integrating Logistics Within an Organization
  • Integration Along the Supply Chain
  • Achieving Integration

Logistics Strategy

  • Strategic Decisions
  • Logistics Strategy
  • Strategy Options
  • Designing a Logistics Strategy

Implementing Strategy

  • Relating Strategy to Lower Decisions
  • Areas for Decisions in Implementation
  • Managing Change

Locating Facilities

  • Importance of Location
  • Choosing the Geographic Region
  • Infinite Set Approaches
  • Feasible Set Approaches
  • Network Models
  • Location Planning

Planning Resources

  • Types of Planning
  • Capacity Planning
  • Adjusting Capacity
  • Tactical Planning
  • Short-term Schedules

Controlling Material Flow

  • Material Requirements Planning
  • Extending the Role of MRP
  • Principles of Just-in-time
  • Achieving Just-in-time Operations
  • Extending JIT Along the Supply Chain

Measuring and Improving Performance

  • Measuring Performance
  • Comparing Performance
  • Analyzing a Supply Chain
  • Improving Performance


  • Definitions
  • Choosing Suppliers
  • Procurement Cycle
  • Types of Purchase

Inventory Management

  • Reasons for Holding Stock
  • Economic Order Quantity
  • Uncertain Demand and Safety Stock
  • Periodic Review Systems
  • Effort of Stock Control

Warehousing and Material Handling

  • Purpose of Warehouses
  • Activities Within a Warehouse
  • Ownership
  • Layout
  • Materials Handling
  • Packaging


  • Mode of Transport
  • Intermodal Transport
  • Ownership of Transport
  • Routing Vehicles

Global Logistics

  • International Trade
  • Problems with International Logistics
  • Organising International Operations